Role of the Parish Council in Planning Applications
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications from Dover District Council and is normally given 21 days to comment on applications.
The decision on all planning applications is made by the District or County Council NOT by the Parish Council
- In determining the Parish Council’s response, the Parish Council will consult with parishioners adjacent to the applicant/s address.
- Each Planning Application will be an agenda item on the Parish Council Meeting Agenda – nearest date to when the application is notified to the council.
- Any member of the public may attend the Parish Meeting to speak about the planning agenda item.
- In commenting on planning applications and determining a resolution the Parish Councillors will take into account the views and comments made by parishioners together with any Material Considerations.
A material consideration is a matter that should be taken into account in deciding a planning application or an appeal against a planning decision.
Material Considerations can include (but are not limited to):
- Consistency with the development plan for the area.
- Traffic and Highway safety issues.
- Overlooking, loss of privacy and loss of light.
- Scale of the development
- Design, appearance. Layout and material.
- Loss of important open space or physical features
- Noise, disturbance or smells.
- Local knowledge of drainage or other possible problems with the surface
- Impact on surroundings
Issues that are not relevant include
- Effect on the value of property
- of view over other people’s land
- Possible future development not included in the application
- Private property rights such as boundary or access disputes
- Matters covered by other laws
- The morals or motives of the developer